8th and Roast

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Coffee& Ep. 2 (Transcript)

Q Taylor:  Wake your ass up and get some coffee. 

Nate Dizzle:  To us, coffee isn't just a beverage. It's a community. It's an accumulation of the global network of fair trade farmers to the independently owned coffee shops, working together to bring the freshest coffee to their local neighborhoods. 

Q Taylor:  You're listening to Coffee&, powered by Acme Radio Live. Good morning, everybody. 

Jimmy Getty:  What's up?

Nate Dizzle:  Yo. 

Q Taylor:  How's everybody doing?

Nate Dizzle:  Great, man. 

Q Taylor:  Podcast number two. 

Nate Dizzle:  Podcast number two. 

Q Taylor:  We're officially not a pilot episode anymore. 

Nate Dizzle:  We made it back. 

Q Taylor:  I like that. 

Nate Dizzle:  We made it back. 

Q Taylor:  My name is Q Taylor. This is podcast two, powered by Acme Radio Live, Coffee&. I got my guy, Mr. Jimmy Getty in the building. 

Jimmy Getty:  Good morning. 

Q Taylor:  And my lead, number one, dope barista, Mr. Nate Dizzle. 

Nate Dizzle:  I don't know about that, but yo. 

Jimmy Getty:  Do you guys feel a little claustrophobic this morning?

Q Taylor:  A little bit. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Jimmy Getty:  The NFL's moving in to town. 

Q Taylor:  Yeah, I see. It's crazy. 

Jimmy Getty:  There's cranes and construction and-

Nate Dizzle:  Temporary skyscrapers. 

Q Taylor:  Word around the campfire, this is like the biggest thing that Nashville has done in the history ... Well, actually Tennessee. It's the biggest thing in Tennessee history. 

Nate Dizzle:  That's crazy. 

Q Taylor:  That's dope. 

Jimmy Getty:  The NFL's what, the biggest thing since NASCAR?

Nate Dizzle:  Since NASCAR. 

Jimmy Getty:  Yeah. 

Nate Dizzle:  I've heard that fact, as well. 

Q Taylor:  And hot chicken. All right, coffee today. But you know what? Let's talk. What we been up to in the last month? I know that Nate has been on the road a lot with his music thing. Jimmy-

Jimmy Getty:  Playing music and sipping coffee all over the country. 

Nate Dizzle:  Sipping coffee all over. That's what I do first thing in the morning, every day when I'm gone. 

Q Taylor:  First thing in the morning, and second thing all day. 

Nate Dizzle:  I've got a formula, I've got a method. 

Q Taylor:  Jimmy, you've been gone too, I haven't even seen you. 

Jimmy Getty:  Yeah, I was in the other hemisphere for a couple weeks. 

Q Taylor:  Doing it up. 

Jimmy Getty:  Went to China, had a lot of really good coffee in China. 

Q Taylor:  Didn't bring me anything back. 

Jimmy Getty:  No, I'm sorry man. I had actually a bunch of stuff for you but, they ripped it out of my suitcase at customs. They were like, you can't bring this back, this is for somebody that's obviously way too cool to live here. 

Nate Dizzle:  It's the best coffee in the world but, no one will ever know. 

Jimmy Getty:  No one will know. It's sitting in some TSA trashcan right now. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Q Taylor:  Okay, okay. So, Nate, where'd you go? Where you been? 

Nate Dizzle:  Man, I went all over. Literally East Coast, West Coast, and playing music but, more importantly drinking tons of coffee. Every morning I wake up and figure where I'm at, and what coffee shops are near me, and I'd go through a quick little filter system on my own. I pull up Google Maps, or Apple Maps. 

Q Taylor:  Okay. 

Nate Dizzle:  Type in coffee, see what's within a 15, 20 minutes Uber. 

Jimmy Getty:  Get your notebooks out people because, this is about to get-

Nate Dizzle:  This is very high tech. See what coffee shops there are, and then I click on every single one, check out what pictures are there. 

Q Taylor:  Okay. 

Nate Dizzle:  I can filter those out pretty quick, just what kind of gear they got, what kind of shots they got, the name of it. If it's called Common Grounds, I'm not going to go. So, I'll start to filter that out real quick, look for those hip singular nouns, those are good coffee shops usually. Then I'll go to Instagram, see what their feeds look like, and then I'll make an educated guess. 

Q Taylor:  I've got a question. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah? 

Q Taylor:  So, you were gone for three weeks, right? 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Q Taylor:  Did you go anywhere twice? 

Nate Dizzle:  Yes. I did. 

Q Taylor:  Talk to me.

Nate Dizzle:  Never Coffee in Portland, Oregon. I went two times with two different groups because, I had to show as many people as possible that, that shop is so sick, it's so cool. 

Jimmy Getty:  I'm a regular here now, and I need you to come with me. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah, I find out the coffee shops that are my favorite, are the ones that I'm like, man it would be so cool to live around the corner from here, and that's how I know, oh I like this place. If I dream about it being my neighborhood shop, it's a good spot. But, Never Coffee. If you're in Portland, hit that place up, it's sick. It's very, very cool. 

Q Taylor:  Okay. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Jimmy Getty:  Passed the name test, too. 

Q Taylor:  So, you're in Portland-

Nate Dizzle:  Singular noun baby. 

Q Taylor:  Give me a run down of all the cities you were on the road. 

Nate Dizzle:  Oh man, that's going to be-

Q Taylor:  Pull your phone out. 

Nate Dizzle:  Pull my phone out, let's see. Obviously Portland, Seattle-

Q Taylor:  Shout out to Seattle. 

Nate Dizzle:  Sacramento. 

Q Taylor:  Sac town. 

Nate Dizzle:  Temple Coffee in Sacramento is sick, the floor is all pennies, and the bar is all pennies, and the bathroom floor is all pennies. It sounds very expensive which, I'm sure it is but, it was cool. It was all just copper. 

Q Taylor:  I wonder if we did that with nickels. 

Jimmy Getty:  It would be five times the price man, I don't think we can do that. 

Nate Dizzle:  That was sick math. DC. My phone is not opening up, let's go. 

Q Taylor:  DC. 

Nate Dizzle:  Lexington has a new shop, Manchester Coffee Co. That place was very cool. I think it's pretty new, so if you're in Lexington, hit up Manchester, that place was very rad. 

Q Taylor:  So, you went to a couple of places twice. You were in DC, Portland, Sac town, and if you think places are cool, you say one place is all vibes, and the visual. I mean, so what else was so special about some of the places that you visited?

Nate Dizzle:  The baristas make a huge difference. If I feel welcomed there, and they're not bummed out I'm there, and they're like, what brought you in today? You're not from here. Because, we'll go in with six or seven people. So, it's very obvious it's not our normal morning. 

Jimmy Getty:  You boys aren't from around these parts. 

Nate Dizzle:  You guys aren't from around here, yeah. We're all wearing black, and look very out of place but, they'll be like, what brought you in today? That's so cool, here's what we have, this is what we're about. Let me know if we can help you out. Feeling very welcomed like it is our neighborhood coffee shop was huge. The places that are just kind of like, bummed as soon as six people walk in the door, you're like, oh I'm not going to come back here today.

Q Taylor:  So, it was all about vibes? 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah, oh yeah, absolutely. Then, it's like, oh this was good coffee but, it's interesting, you walk in, and you're like, this place is cool. You haven't even tasted it yet. Then you walk up to the counter, and you're like, man he was so nice, she was so sweet, that was awesome. Haven't even had coffee yet. 

Jimmy Getty:  Can you forgive a subpar cup of coffee if your experience was super positive? 

Nate Dizzle:  Oh totally. I'll go back for sure because, might have just been a rush, and is a bad drink, or something wasn't cleaned. Have way more grace for the coffee end of things. But, if someone's like, hey, I'm like, oh cool, this is going to be tight, this is exactly what I wanted first thing in the morning. 

Jimmy Getty:  I'm going to take my excellent coffee a few blocks away from here where I don't feel so abreast. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Q Taylor:  I feel like the community in Nashville, if you go anywhere in Nashville, whether you're in East Nashville, you on the West Side, you're in the city, wherever you're Downtown, every coffee shop pretty much has those vibes. It's all about how you make people feel when you walk in the door, making them feel welcome, making them feel comfortable, that's what's cool about Nashville, and it's cool that you got to see those things when you were traveling around the country. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Q Taylor:  So, Jimmy. Jimmy, Jimmy. You taking it to another level right now. You went out of the country. You said, "You know what? I'm going somewhere else."

Jimmy Getty:  I said, "I've had enough coffee here."

Q Taylor:  So, I know you went on vacation, and tell us why you went on vacation, and what was cool about the things that you saw when you went out of the country.

Jimmy Getty:  I went to go visit my sister-in-law. She lives in Shenzhen. Which, is about a half hour away from Hong Kong but, on the Chinese side obviously. She teaches English there, she works for Disney. So, she took us to Disney for free, that was super dope, I was six years old again for the day. 

Q Taylor:  Nice. 

Jimmy Getty:  Met Chewbacca, that was rad. 

Nate Dizzle:  Sick. 

Jimmy Getty:  But, she had been going to this neighborhood shop two, three times a week that she can walk to from her apartment, and she was so nervous about taking me there. She was like, I don't know, I like it but, I just don't know if it's good. You know? 

Nate Dizzle:  Totally. 

Jimmy Getty:  So, we get there, and it's like ... it's called Jyu, and half of it is a vintage clothing store, and the other half is this tiny little café. They literally had a two group espresso machine, two siphons, two Kalitas, and an EK. 

Q Taylor:  Hold on, say those names again. 

Jimmy Getty:  They had a two group espresso machine, so relatively small. 

Q Taylor:  We got three. 

Jimmy Getty:  We got three on ours. 

Q Taylor:  Okay. 

Jimmy Getty:  They probably could get away with one because, it was such a tiny little place. But, they had two siphon brewers which, if you haven't seen those, those look like they belong in a science lab. Big glass bulb sitting on an infrared burner. That's vacuum pot coffee. It's pretty interesting. You don't see a whole lot of it in the states anymore but, it's still a fairly popular brew method in Asia. They had two Kalita wave pour over's, much like you would see at our shop, and just one Mahlkonig EK. It was a smaller-

Nate Dizzle:  Oh yeah, the little stubby ones. 

Jimmy Getty:  Little stubby one, yeah. 

Nate Dizzle:  They use that for espresso, too? 

Jimmy Getty:  Yeah. 

Nate Dizzle:  That's cool. 

Jimmy Getty:  Everything was going through that. 

Nate Dizzle:  Dang. 

Jimmy Getty:  So, I saw their gear, and I was like ... this looks good. 

Nate Dizzle:  Okay. 

Jimmy Getty:  We couldn't really communicate much. So, I just ordered a siphon, and they put the coffee through the grinder, and it just smelled like champagne. 

Q Taylor:  A siphon? 

Jimmy Getty:  Yes. The vacuum pot. The science experiment looking coffee. 

Q Taylor:  Like, that's some Marty McFly's friend would have in Back to the Future?

Nate Dizzle:  100%. 

Jimmy Getty:  Yeah, yeah. 

Q Taylor:  Okay. 

Jimmy Getty:  Back to the Future, and back in time as well but, I just ordered a siphon coffee, they brought it out to me. It smelled amazing. I couldn't figure out what it was. So, my sister-in-law gets out Google Translate, and talks to the owner, and she's like, hey my brother-in-law is a coffee roaster, and her eyes just got really big, and she just brings all the coffee bags over to me, and lets me pick my next thing. 

Nate Dizzle:  So cool. 

Jimmy Getty:  So, once they realized that, oh this person wants a coffee, then we're like, okay we got some options. I had a natural Burundi. That's what it was. I would have never guessed. I've only had one other one of those in my life. 

Nate Dizzle:  What was the vibe of the relationship between customer, barista for a Chinese coffee shop compared to an American one. 

Jimmy Getty:  It seemed fairly similar. 

Nate Dizzle:  Okay. 

Jimmy Getty:  There weren't very many other people at Jyu. Every time we went, we were kind of like the only people in there, and I also noticed all the coffee shops open later. They don't open til like, 10:00. So, it's not a thing that everybody's like, oh I got to go do this before work. It's like this is a place ... I might go hang out here after work, and have a coffee when I'm winding down. So, in that regard, it was a little different. People weren't rushing in there. 

Nate Dizzle:  They don't abuse it like us? 

Jimmy Getty:  Yeah, totally. 

Nate Dizzle:  They don't have like ... got to get it in my veins guys first thing in the morning. 

Jimmy Getty:  Yeah, give me an IV I'm struggling. 

Nate Dizzle:  I'd drink it sludgy if I could. 

Jimmy Getty:  No, no. They take it super seriously. Coffee in general there ... just the approach. Even if the coffee itself wasn't great. You can bet your ass it's prepared well. 

Nate Dizzle:  That's awesome. 

Q Taylor:  Proper preparation. 

Jimmy Getty:  Very impressive. I had one bad coffee in two weeks. In the states I have like four or five. 

Q Taylor:  That's what's up, that's what's up. So, we're going to talk about that, we’re going to take a little break. Coffee& podcast, Episode 2, powered by Acme Radio Live. Got Jimmy, we got Nate, we got a guest coming in a little bit but, we'll be back in a moment. 


Q Taylor:  You're listening Coffee& powered by Acme Radio Live. 

Welcome, welcome, welcome back. Podcast number 2, Coffee& powered by Acme Radio Live. My name is Q Taylor, I got my buddy Jimmy, I got my buddy Nate in the building. We've been talking about what we've been up to. I've been here chilling, and working but, my team members here have been traveling, and visiting coffee shops around the country, and around the world, and what I've discovered in this podcast is that, it's not just about the taste of the coffee. It's about the sense. What the place smells like, what does the place feel like, what does the place look like? 

Nate Dizzle:  What's it sound like? 

Jimmy Getty:  And, is it all working together? 

Q Taylor:  Hashtag vibes. 

Jimmy Getty:  Or, is it just this cacophony of chaos?

Nate Dizzle:  Do I trust the brand? 

Q Taylor:  The bottom line to this is, that the shop is just as important as the coffee itself. So, Nate, Jimmy, I'm going to ask you this question. What are some of the things you noticed on these travels that you've been on, that were like, this is dope, this is cool. That's awesome, this person's knowledgeable. Give me some of that. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah, I mean, what's interesting is hitting so many coffee shops in very different parts of the country, all of the good ones all have this like thread that ties between them. I could wake up in Chicago, and then the next day somewhere in the Midwest but, if both of those places have good coffee shops, it's going to have a very similar feel. There's a theme that ties all of the really great coffee shops together, and that is a really cool environment. People like to drink coffee in a cool looking spot, or somewhere that you can tell someone thought about what art is going up, or what color the walls are, or what the door looks like. Little stuff like that, that seems small but, that's what makes that thread tie between really good coffee shops. 

 Then all of the people's demeanor when you walk in is similar. People are there to allow you to have a great time, morning, afternoon, evening, whatever it is. They're there to ask you how your day is, serve you a great cup of coffee. 

Jimmy Getty:  If they're not, they shouldn't be there. 

Nate Dizzle:  They shouldn't be there, 100%. Yeah.

Q Taylor:  Right. 

Nate Dizzle:  This is all before I've tasted the coffee. We talked about that a little bit earlier but, it really is so important, and that's why when I get on my phone in the morning, and I'm looking at Apple Maps, and like, all right, what coffee's near me? I can filter it down, and I can get like ... maybe I can find the best coffee shop in a town in five or ten minutes based on looking at what pictures they think are important, looking at what pictures their customers think are important. So, if I see a shop, and it looks cool but, all their pictures are salads, and deli sandwiches, I'm like, oh I'm probably not going to go there.

Jimmy Getty:  Red flag. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah, that's a huge red flag. They might have great coffee but, I don't trust it because, that's not what they see, or their customer's see is important, and that's before I've walked in the door. I didn't even give that place a chance. So, there's so much that goes into what the coffee shop is, more than drinking that good, good. 

Q Taylor:  That's what's up. It's funny you said that because, I knew when we were going to talk about this in this podcast, I started searching on Instagram, trolling, and looking up cool stuff. I was like, man we should bring a guest in for this podcast. So, I want to introduce, and give her a shout out, her name is Diana Corzine, and I was like, damn. I found her on Instagram, and I was like, this shit is dope. She had great photos, and it seemed like she just had a passion for coffee shops. I was like, let me meet this woman, let me get this girl in here, and let's see what she's got popping off. So, her Instagram, actually I got her Instagram it's @Nashville_coffee_shops but, hello Diane. 

Diana Corzine:  Good morning. 

Q Taylor:  Good to see you. 

Diana Corzine:  Good to see you, thank you for having me. 

Jimmy Getty:  Thanks for fighting your way here, despite the NFL being right out there. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah, it was fun this morning. 

Q Taylor:  Good to see you, thanks for coming today. So, Nate was just talking about some cool stuff, and it kind of ties into what you've been doing, and tell us a little bit about your Instagram, and give us a little bit about your background as well. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah, so I'm not actually from Nashville. I'm originally from Florida, and I came here for college. About my senior year, I noticed that there we just a lot of awesome coffee shops around, and I needed caffeine to help me graduate. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yep, the studies. 

Diana Corzine:  So, my sister and I started this weekly tradition, coffee date. We would explore new coffee shops, meet up on Sunday morning. We were doing that for a while, and I was shocked, and amazed when we weren't running out of options. It just kept going all the way through senior year, and I just fell in love with the different vibes, and the different atmospheres of the coffee shops, and honestly, I don't know a whole lot about coffee. It was literally the shops that just kept me coming back. So, because I got super obsessed with it, I started making a list, kept track so I didn't miss any, and the list just kept getting longer. So, this has been going for over a year now, and I think eventually ... I kept posting a picture or two on my story, just on my personal account, and people ... I didn't want my friends to get super sick of me just barraging them with all these coffee shops, and people were making fun of me like, oh my gosh you're obsessed, and I said, "Yes I am."

Q Taylor:  Haters. 

Jimmy Getty:  That's so sad. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Jimmy Getty:  Because, I saw your Instagram, and I was like, oh my God, is this Nashville? You've been so many more places probably than I have in this town, and you make them all look so good. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yup. 

Diana Corzine:  Well, I just try to find what they are the proudest of, or what makes them their shop, and I just want to let people see that. That's my whole goal with this. One of my friends, super encouraging about this whole thing, she said, "You should start a page." I said, "yeah right." I thought she was kidding. 

Nate Dizzle:  Totally. 

Diana Corzine:  But, then she's like, "No for real, you should start a page." So, I was like, "You know, that's actually a good idea.” The people that want to see the coffee shops, they can follow this page, and I can still go to all of them. Not with friends. 

Jimmy Getty:  Right. 

Diana Corzine:  So, yeah, that's how Nashville Coffee Shops kind of started, and that was the end of senior year, so it's been just about a year. 

Jimmy Getty:  I love how that got started because, you said you were going out for coffee dates with your sister? 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah. 

Jimmy Getty:  That's what it's all about. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yup. 

Q Taylor:  If you're a small, local business in these communities, and cities like Nashville, it's important that you got good people who are supporting that wave, and giving you an extra voice in the community, and showing people what you're trying to do. So, I got a question, what are some of the things you look for that's like, okay, that's going to be my post, that's what I want to capture. Give me some of those kinds of things, what you look for when you walk into a coffee shop. 

Diana Corzine:  Well, I look for the name of the coffee shop. That's what I've been trying to make that first picture so people see this is the coffee that I'm at today. Then there's different layouts of each coffee shop, and at one point there was a coffee shop that ... I don't know if any of you have been to Atmalogy. It's closed now but, it was known for being a really relaxed hangout study spot. There was an entire room, no chairs just pillows, and you go and relax. So, if I was walking into Atmalogy-

Q Taylor:  I took a nap in there once, actually. No bullshit, no bullshit. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah, I'm sure. 

Q Taylor:  Because, I knew the owner, her name's Heather Riney, shout out to Heather, and we got to bring that place back somehow. 

Diana Corzine:  Yes. 

Q Taylor:  That place was super dope but, I went in there, and I was like, you know what I'm going to sneak in a little 10 minute nap. I seriously went in there, and took a nap. Laid on a pillow, drooled on it and everything. But, anyway, go ahead, go ahead. 

Diana Corzine:  So, yeah if I was walking into Atmalogy, I would try to just capture those specific elements, and they had amazing food also, so I would try to capture what they sold so that ultimately I think it would be cool if my page kind of turned into a bucket list for people that are moving to Nashville.

Jimmy Getty:  That's so rad. 

Diana Corzine:  So, they could just go through one picture at a time, and if they like the look of that coffee shop, then they go and they check it out for themselves. So, I'm hoping with my posts, I can portray, in the best light, what each coffee shop is awesome for. 

Q Taylor:  Dope. 

Nate Dizzle:  That's so cool, I love that. 

Q Taylor:  Super dope. 

Jimmy Getty:  You're essentially doing the Instagram version of what we're trying to do with this podcast. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yep. 

Jimmy Getty:  Just like, high tide lifts all boats, let's talk about how awesome Nashville coffee is, and give people some ideas of where do you have to go when you get here.

Diana Corzine:  Yeah, that's awesome. 

Nate Dizzle:  I love that you said the list kept getting longer, and longer, and you're like how do I visit all these places, and when you're in Nashville, you can be like, oh another coffee shop, oh my gosh, another coffee shop? But, when you leave Nashville, that is not the case in a lot of places. Like, it was really cool to think about coming back home because, when I was out, some cities it was like, there's one or two spots to hit. Those are kind of it, and then it's just kind of like, bistros, or the coffee shop in Friends, was everywhere else but, there was one spot. 

 Whereas, in Nashville you can just keep drinking coffee all day, and that is such a unique thing, and it's cool that you're not like, I'm making an Instagram about coffee shops. You're like, Nashville coffee is diverse enough that, I'm going to make an Instagram about that, and just keep posting content. That's so cool, it's such a unique city. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah. 

Jimmy Getty:  I went to a Friend's themed café by the way, in Shenzhen because, something with the licensing is different there. So, they're able to use the name, all of the quotes, the napkins said ... it was called Smelly Cat, the name of the place. 

Q Taylor:  Oh shit. 

Nate Dizzle:  Amazing. 

Diana Corzine:  Oh my gosh. 

Jimmy Getty:  But, it was super well done, and the coffee was rad, and there were just a bunch of people sitting in there, laughing their asses off at reruns of Friends with Chinese subtitles, and we were all having such a great time together. 

Nate Dizzle:  That's awesome. 

Jimmy Getty:  But, I'm sure the coffee was better there than in the actual Central Perk. 

Q Taylor:  Diana, you got like top three, top five places that you enjoy going to during the day in Nashville from a coffee shop standpoint, or café, or bistro?

Diana Corzine:  Yeah, so that's a really hard question. 

Q Taylor:  I know. 

Diana Corzine:  Really honestly, it depends on the day, depends on where I'm at in town but, I think my favorite shops have like, a mission, also. So, Humphrey Street is a new one that has just a really cool mellow vibe, and I love how they partner with the community, and just what they do to give back. Then if I've got something to do, something to work on, study ... I just visited 8th & Roast, the Charlotte location for the first time this past weekend. That's definitely going to be up there on the list. 

Q Taylor:  I appreciate that. 

Jimmy Getty:  It's a good place to do some work. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah. 

Nate Dizzle:  There's so many outlets. 

Jimmy Getty:  There's so many outlets, dude that's real. 

Nate Dizzle:  So much natural light. 

Jimmy Getty:  There's a lot of electricity in here, I could totally work here. Could set up my printer, my 3D printer, and my computer. 

Diana Corzine:  Then there's shops that have live music. If I wanted to go with friends then, look for events that are being held, just friends I guess. 

Jimmy Getty:  It depends on your mood right? When you wake up-

Diana Corzine:  And, who I'm going with, who I'm going for. 

Jimmy Getty:  That's why there's so many shops because, you got to have something for everybody's mood, every situation. If it's a bright and sunny morning, who doesn't love sitting in the window at Crema? 

Nate Dizzle:  Oh yeah. 

Jimmy Getty:  Or sitting out on the patio. 

Diana Corzine:  The Loading Dock has an awesome outdoor space. Especially as the weather gets better, I'll have to go out there. 

Jimmy Getty:  Oh yeah, then the outside part comes into play. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah. 

Q Taylor:  That's what's up, so if you're coming to Nashville, she just named some dope spots. She named us, 8th and Roast, Humphrey Street if you're all about supporting non-profit, they do every coffee you purchase, I think a dollar goes to the non-profit organization. Jimmy just talked about Crema. Can you stay with us? Can you stick around with us for a couple of minutes? 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah. Okay. 

Q Taylor:  All right, we'll be back. So, we're going to take a break. Powered by Acme Radio Live, Coffee& podcast. 


Nate Dizzle:  This is Nate, you're listening to the Coffee& podcast powered by Acme Radio Live. 

Q Taylor:  Welcome, welcome back. Podcast number two, Coffee& powered by Acme Radio Live. 

Nate Dizzle:  And, we're on some podcast platforms, correct? 

Q Taylor:  Yes, sir. We're on some podcast platforms. You can go, and give us a nice rating, say you like us. 

Nate Dizzle:  Give us a rating, and a review unless you don't like us, then keep that shit to yourself. 

Q Taylor:  Follow us on Instagram, too @8thandroast. You can go to our Twitter page @8thandroast. Check out our website if you want to purchase coffee online, we can delivery it to your house. www.8thandroast.com, and also you can follow our guest today, Diana Corzine on her Instagram page @Nashville_coffee_shops. 

Jimmy Getty:  Highly rec. 

Nate Dizzle:  Do it. 

Q Taylor:  That's what's up. 

Nate Dizzle:  She'll follow you back, she promised. 

Jimmy Getty:  She promised. 

Q Taylor:  Her Instagram is dope. So, we talked about, it's more about coffee in the café today. So, we talked about the sense of places, and what places feel like. The vibe, and things like that, and we're going to do a little Q and A today, and just ask each other questions. So, this is kind of like, the wrapping up section of the podcast. 

Nate Dizzle:  I've got a question for Diana. Does your go-to-drink change based on where you're at, or do you pretty much know when you walk in the door, I'm getting this today. 

Diana Corzine:  You're probably not going to like the answer to this question. Knowing coffee, and being the roaster. I have in the past, typically stuck with what I know. So, I think in the last episode actually, I was listening to, you mentioned an era of terror of walking into coffee shops, and if you didn't know what you were ordering, that was just the worst for baristas. That's kind of the era that I got started in my coffee obsession, when I started drinking coffee. So, I would just order something off the menu, and then not really know what it was, or remember the name of it. So, even if I did like it, then I didn't know how to get it again.

 So, finally I landed on a vanilla latte, I figured out that I liked that, and so I would get a vanilla latte every place that I went, and I tried to make it sound so sophisticated. Like, I want to compare the vanilla lattes of every coffee shop in Nashville so, that's going to be my order. But, really, I just didn't know what I liked. 

Jimmy Getty:  I know I like that, so I'm going to get that. 

Nate Dizzle:  They scared you into the same order every time.

Diana Corzine:  I was terrified. But, then coming to Nashville, and exploring more of these shops, and meeting baristas that have that attitude of like, we want to help you find the drink that you like so that you really have a good experience here. That's something that is really just a corner stone of the Nashville coffee scene which, I have really appreciated. So, I mean, I've even just recently started to expand, and try more things, different things. Figure out-

Jimmy Getty:  That's super rad. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah, what I like. 

Jimmy Getty:  I think it's cool when people are like, I'm not going to steer you towards what I like. I'm going to find out what you like, and try to curate something based on that. 

Nate Dizzle:  Totally. 

Jimmy Getty:  So, if you were like, hey I like vanilla lattes, I'd be like, cool here's this natural Ethiopian v60, don't you dare put any cream in it. 

Nate Dizzle:  Don't put cream in it. 

Jimmy Getty:  I just wouldn't do that. You know? So, I think it's super cool to have that open dialogue between customer, and barista where it's like, let's make this super positive for both of us because, I don't want to make something that you're going to hate. You know? 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah, when people ask like, hey what should I have? My first response is, what do you normally drink? 

Jimmy Getty:  Yeah. 

Nate Dizzle:  It's not like, oh I'll tell you mine. I mean, I will if you're actually asking my opinion but, if you're getting a drink, I'm going to be like, cool what should you have based on what I'm about to learn about you. If you're like, I usually drink vanilla lattes, I'm probably going to say, well, get a vanilla latte, I'll make you a good one. 

Jimmy Getty:  We'll sell you on our vanilla syrup. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah, we got some good vanilla syrup. 

Jimmy Getty:  It's real vanilla bean paste. 

Q Taylor:  I'll tell you, that's crucial. I was about to say that, vanilla bean paste is crucial so, folks, if you ever get a vanilla latte, see if they got vanilla bean paste. Right? 

Diana Corzine:  Wait, what is that? What does that mean? What's the difference between that, and syrup? 

Jimmy Getty:  Yeah, so some vanilla is just made from an extract. 

Q Taylor:  Which, is what my grandmother put in her banana pudding.

Jimmy Getty:  And, it's not like it's not delicious, it certainly has potential to be delicious but, we use real Madagascar vanilla bean paste, mix it in with some sweetened condensed milk so it's like rich, and creamy, and it's a little different than ... I guess when you said you were going around, and comparing vanilla lattes, to me, that's a very valid thing to do because, everybody kind of has a different take on it. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Jimmy Getty:  Yeah, you're getting the same drink everywhere but, it's not quite the same drink everywhere. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah. 

Jimmy Getty:  And, people are using milk, and stuff too like some shops I'm like, oh that's really great milk, other shops I'm like, everything's great but the milk. You know? 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Q Taylor:  That's what's up. You got another question? 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah, so you said earlier, and you said it kind of sorry. You were like, I don't really know a lot about coffee but, I think that's so sick because, that's who coffee shops are trying to understand every single day. That is our target demographic. We're not expecting coffee experts to pay the bills because, they won't. They're going to order a $2.50 espresso, and leave. 

Jimmy Getty:  They're fun. 

Nate Dizzle:  They're very fun. 

Jimmy Getty:  And, they keep driving us forward. 

Nate Dizzle:  But, the people that walk through our doors every day don't necessarily know every little bit about coffee. So, this is really cool having you here, and just being able to like, hear your thoughts about when you walk in a door compared to, when like, I walk in the door, and I look at the EK grinder, and the siphon, and you're like, that means nothing to me. 

Diana Corzine:  Right. 

Nate Dizzle:  So, what kinds of things ... we've talked about it a little bit but, when you leave a coffee shop, and you're like, that was so awesome. What are the things that matter to you? 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah, so actually there's a lot. It starts before I even walk in the shop especially here in Nashville, parking is not easily accessible at every shop. So, when I'm trying to figure out where I'm going to go, that's going to be important. Even if there is plenty of parking to make sure that it's easily accessible, you know exactly where to go. Just to get me in the door first of all. Then walking in, that first impression is going to come from the barista, and I think Nashville coffee shops baristas are super welcoming, super friendly. That just makes the experience, I think that's probably the single most important thing for me. So, my favorite experiences at coffee shops are the ones where I've had a conversation with the barista, and obviously if it's during the rush I don't blame anyone for not sitting down, and having a full deep conversation. 

Nate Dizzle:  Learning about your life. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah but, I went over to Americano Coffee Lounge when it first opened up, and it was a slower day, kind of rainy. I started talking, asking, I like to ask what the story of the shop is, and they just had a really compelling story, and were super passionate about what they were doing, and interested in telling me about it, and then kind of figuring out who I was, and just like that relationship with the staff, and the baristas at your local coffee shop, that's awesome. I think that's kind of what Starbucks really got their start in, and they became the local coffee shop that knew your name. They walked in, they greeted you. 

Nate Dizzle:  Totally. 

Diana Corzine:  That's what gets people coming back is, just having, not just someone that makes your drinks but, having someone that is super friendly, and you've built a relationship with. 

Jimmy Getty:  That's something I still respect about Starbucks. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah. 

Jimmy Getty:  They make an intense effort to make sure the people that are working for them are happy to be there, and they're like, we'll pay for your college because, they know they're going to get high quality people who have goals moving forward, and they're going to make sure that those people are happy to be at their jobs because, that is like the first line of ... that's what you encounter right off the bat. You can tell like, oh man these people are happy to be here, or oh, maybe I shouldn't be here. You know? 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah, exactly. Then just like, having a space for every person, and I guess that's the whole layout, and design, and showcasing the owners design, and like you said, it's awesome whenever you walk into a space, and you can just tell that someone thought about what art was going to be on the wall. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Diana Corzine:  There's a lot of coffee shops now opening up that have local artists that they display their work, and sell their work. That's just a cool way to connect, and plug into the community. So, I think just all of that wraps up, and then there's the coffee aspect. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Diana Corzine:  But, honestly, that's probably the lowest on the list. 

Nate Dizzle:  That's so huge to hear. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah. 

Nate Dizzle:  If you're a barista, and you're listening, check out that order. That order's important. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah. 

Nate Dizzle:  Still has to be good coffee, though. 

Q Taylor:  Right? It goes to show that everything matters. The shop itself is just as important as the actual product. I appreciate you coming today Diana because, I feel like you're a true voice of the customer, and this has been great. Right? 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. Super helpful, it's cool to hear. I do 8th and Roast social, and it's like who are the people I'm talking to? That's so helpful, it's so cool having you here. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah, and for anyone listening to this podcast that didn't hear the first episode, if you're as unsure of the menu as me, you can go back to that first episode, and you did a great job of just demystifying the menu. I remember back in Florida I was sitting in the drive thru at a Starbucks trying to Google all this stuff so I could figure it out. I was just getting so much more overwhelmed. 

Jimmy Getty:  Starbucks uses made up ... not made up words but, words that mean other things. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah. Yeah. 

Jimmy Getty:  They're like, we're going to use this work for this, it's not the same thing, so if you Google it in your car, you're not going to know. 

Nate Dizzle:  You're going to be confused. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah, I was very overwhelmed. 

Jimmy Getty:  It's amazing that Starbucks has been so successful with such a wild menu. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah. 

Jimmy Getty:  That's so important to me when I go into a place. If I can't figure out what's on the menu, or what I want-

Nate Dizzle:  You get scared into ordering a vanilla latte. 

Jimmy Getty:  Yeah, every time. 

Diana Corzine:  Every time. 

Nate Dizzle:  Which, I would be remiss-

Q Taylor:  Or a macchiato. 

Nate Dizzle:  I did the same thing in college. Back in the first episode I talked about my Mayan Mocha's, how I started. 

Diana Corzine:  Yeah. 

Nate Dizzle:  Well, the first shop I went to that didn't have that, I went, vanilla latte because, I saw it, and dude, if I went back to the coffee shop in my college town, they don't know my name but, they do know me as vanilla latte. 

Diana Corzine:  Oh my goodness. 

Nate Dizzle:  Like, for real, it's the most embarrassing thing ever because, now that's not me at all but, there was an era in which I just got scared into that as well. So, you are not alone, that was a very scary time. 

Diana Corzine:  Amazing. 

Q Taylor:  I am here with you. Michael Jackson song, sorry. 

Jimmy Getty:  Well, thank you all so much, and thank you Diana, we really appreciate you taking the time to come chat with us on Coffee&. 

Nate Dizzle:  Yeah, yeah. 

Diana Corzine:  Thank you. 

Jimmy Getty:  Thanks to Acme Radio Live, make sure, leave us a rating, leave us a positive comment. 

Q Taylor:  And follow us on Instagram @8thandroast, and again, follow Diana Corzine at her Instagram Nashville_coffee_shops. Thank you Acme, thank you guys. This is Coffee& podcast, powered by Acme Radio Live, have a good day. 

Nate Dizzle:  To us, coffee isn't just a beverage, it's a community. It's an accumulation of the global network of fair trade farmers to the independently owned coffee shops working together to bring the freshest coffee to their local neighborhoods. I'm Nate. 

Jimmy Getty:  And, I'm Jimmy, and we're roasters, and baristas of one of Nashville's finest coffee shops, 8th and Roast. On Coffee& the podcast, we'll dive deep into coffee trends, the craft culture of brewing, and answer all your questions about how these coffee communities impact your daily lives. 

Nate Dizzle:  So, tune in to listen live, every Wednesday morning at 10:00am via acmeradiolive.com show is also available on all podcast platforms.