The sweetest coffee you'll ever taste

Costa Rica is an incredible place, and some of the most interesting coffees we’ve had over the last two years have come from one area in particular there: Hacienda La Minita.
Our first release of the 2024 is actually the final microlot we selected from their 2023 harvest. This extremely small lot—just 600 pounds in total—was the favorite of the farm's QC and processing team and it was ours too.
This coffee is truly special. The entire lot is made up of a variety of arabica called Villa Sarchi—a natural mutation of bourbón discovered in Costa Rica in the 1950s. Villa Sarchi is a dwarf coffee plant known for its sweetness that thrives at extremely high altitudes. This coffee in particular was grown at the highest property that La Minita owns; a microlot called Melico that sits at 1,850 meters above sea level, or over 6000 feet in elevation.
After harvest, the coffee undergoes full fermentation with no mechanical removal of the mucilage. After fermentation, the coffee is washed and dried on raised beds, with the team at La Minita closely monitoring the evenness of the drying over the course of several weeks.
We cannot emphasize this enough: this is one of the sweetest coffees we've ever tasted.
When we cupped it at the lab in Costa Rica, we were actually shocked. Even if you take your coffee with cream and sugar, you need to try this one without it first—we promise you won't regret it.
Along with the amazingly pronounced sweetness, you'll taste raspberry cordial, chocolate cream, and even a pineapple juice-like brightness on the finish. This coffee is both complex and at the same time very simple and approachable.
Availability is incredibly limited, and will be available on drip, manual brew, or in 10 oz. retail bags in-store only on January 4th.